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an old people’s home
一家养老院 一所养老院  detail>>
on my way home i met an old friend
我在回家的路上遇到了一位老朋友  detail>>
old people
不精 老年人  detail>>
the aging people = the old people
现代社会出现越来越严重的  detail>>
be kind to old people
对老人要宽厚  detail>>
crime by old people
老年犯罪  detail>>
discretionary payments to old people
酌情发放给老年人的补助金  detail>>
old people in america
美国的老人  detail>>
old-fashioned people
老式风格的人们  detail>>
the old people and children
黄发垂髯  detail>>
we are one home people
我们是一家人  detail>>
my old happy home
快乐老家  detail>>
my old kentucky home
我在肯塔基州的老家  detail>>
native place; old home
老家  detail>>
old folks at home
故乡的亲人  detail>>
old home week
1.一个社区的居民邀请过去旧居民的联欢周。 2.旧同事[同学]的重聚联欢周。  detail>>
old peoples home
老年人之家  detail>>
the happy old home
快乐老家  detail>>